Prija vegan

Prija vegan

Prija - aromatherapy, paraben free

What characterises Prija’s cleansers and creams are their plants’ extracts coming from various western and eastern botanical regions. You will enjoy their natural beneficial properties thanks to the composition of creams and cleansers that were studied to be hypoallergenic, and to their special aromatherapy scents. Paraben free.

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The products contain, among others, the natural essential oil limonene or cumarin.
Since 2004, limonene has been one of the 26 EU-designated fragrance substances which should be labelled when present in cosmetic products under certain conditions. This labeling must occur if the concentration of the designated ingredient may potentially be relevant to persons alergic to fragrances. Limonene is a natural constituent of various essential oils used in cosmetics for designing fragrances

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